UW Advising - Choosing a Major
UW Advising - Choosing a Major
University of Washington
Choosing a Major
For many students, one of the most difficult tasks facing them at the UW is choosing a major. The path to choosing a major will be different for different people; some students have known what they wanted to major in since they were infants, while others get into their junior or even senior year without finding their passion.
It's important to note that discovering your major is a process, and may take several quarters of work on your part. For some students, just taking an introductory course in the subject will tell them what they need to know, while others won't know for sure until they've had experience as a research assistant in the field. Whatever your process, advisers are here to help all along the way.
The pages in this section will give you some ideas of how to start looking for a major, how to prepare for it once you find one, and finally how to declare it. We also provide information on the many academic minors the UW offers.
Choosing a Major
* How to Choose a Major
* Majors and Careers
* Workshops on Choosing a Major
* List of Majors
* Information Sessions for Majors
Academic Learning Links
o Overview
o Arts-Related Majors (ArtsLink)
o Biology-Related Majors (BioLink)
o Business-Related Majors (BusinessLink)
o Engineering & Technology-Related Majors (ETLink)
o Environment-Related Majors (EnviroLink)
o Language & Literature-Related Majors (WordLink)
o Physical Science & Math-Related Majors (SAMLink)
o Social Science-Related Majors (SLink)
* Exploring Majors by Topic
* Email Lists
* Declaring a Major
* Double Majors and Double Degrees
o Earning a Minor
o Minors: Rules and Regulations
o List of Minors
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