Student Loan Calculator / College Savings Calculator
Student Loan Calculator / College Savings Calculator
The purpose of the College Savings Calculator is to help people develop a savings plan for their, or their child's, college education. To use this tool you will need to enter your current savings amount, the rate of return, your monthly contributions, and the education cost inflation. You can print out your results in terms of balances and expenses by the year or total costs by child.
Student Loan Calculator / College Savings Calculator Overview
The cost of a college education is increasing at an amazing rate, and at the same time funding for federally sponsored grants and scholarships are being cut. If you want to ensure that your child will be able to afford college then you should set them up a college savings plan as soon as possible. To maximize the value of your college savings you need to have a game plan, and our College Savings Calculator is one tool that can help you develop one.
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