Packing for College: Your Ultimate Dorm Move-In Checklist
Packing for College: Your Ultimate Dorm Move-In Checklist
July 27, 2008

From how to plan, who to call, what to take, and what to leave behind, here’s your ultimate college move-in checklist. Run through this, and you can be sure you’ve covered all your bases — you’ll be packed, prepared, ready to take the dorms by storm and have everything you need to make your home away from home.

The Pre-Packing Q&A

Before you even start packing or running down a checklist, you need to have an idea of what flies and what doesn’t at your school. Most schools post their on-campus housing policies online and in their student handbook. But if you can’t find this information, call your campus housing office.


What are the dorm policies? Which appliances are ok and which are banned?

What furniture or appliances are already provided with your room?

How are you allowed to decorate your room? Is your bedroom furniture modular, and are you allowed to move it around?

Who are the resident assistants (RA.s) or others who can help you with housing or roommate questions, and how do you get a hold of them?

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