National College Transition Network (NCTN
National College Transition Network (NCTN)
NCTN/ World Education, Inc.
44 Farnsworth Street, Boston, MA 02210
Phone: (617) 482-9485 Fax: (617) 482-0617
Ellen Hewett, Director
Cynthia Zafft, Senior Advisor
Priyanka Sharma, Coordinator
National College Transition Network (NCTN) is a project of World Education's New England Literacy Resource Center. World Education, Inc. is a nonprofit organization founded in 1951 to meet the needs of the educationally disadvantaged around the globe.
The NCTN supports ABE staff, programs, and state agencies in establishing and strengthening ABE-to-college transition services through technical assistance, professional development, collegial sharing, advocacy and increased visibility for this critical sector of the adult basic education system.
The NCTN brings together the various efforts of educators, professional development providers, policy makers, and researchers concerned with effective college transitions to postsecondary education for GED, ASE, and ESOL graduates and other non-traditional learners.
The Network's membership is national and covers a range of institutions representing schools, colleges, prisons, community-based organizations and workplaces. The basic membership is free and gives members access to a wide variety of resources:
* original publications on promising practices and research to practice that support evidence-based assessment, instruction and counseling.
* suggestions for program development and design options
* updated list of professional development opportunities
* annotated links to research, funding, and policy resources
* members' directory and moderated listserv
* eNewsletter with resources updates
The NCTN also provides fee-based technical assistance and professional development. Contact us for more details...
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