Harvard Magazine
Harvard Magazine
7 Ware Street
Cambridge, Mass. 02138-4037
Tel. 617-495-5746; fax: 617-495-0324
About Harvard Magazine
Founded in 1898 by alumni for alumni.
Mission: Keeping alumni of Harvard University connected to the University and to each other. Circulation: 240,000 alumni, faculty, and staff in the United States; audited by BPA
Harvard Magazine is an independently edited and separately incorporated affiliate of Harvard University. It is the only publication covering the entire University that is also regularly distributed to all graduates, faculty, and staff.
The affiliation with the University gives Harvard Magazine the insider’s point of view; yet our editorial independence means that we cover the University and its alumni with editorial objectivity and integrity.
We try to bring the most interesting research and thinking being done at Harvard to our readers, connecting them with an intellectual experience, and raising contemporary social and political issues and reflecting upon them. At the same time, we function as a community newspaper with alumni news, University news, and class notes all linking our readers to each other and the broad Harvard community.
Unlike outsider publications, we have the inside track; we provide substantive content, thoughtful commentary, and informed discussion, with an occasional bit of wit and irreverence.
And unlike publications from the University Development Office, we’re not a marketing publication designed to attract donors.
For advertisers, Harvard Magazine provides an affluent, influential, and engaged readership nationwide in a trusted environment, delivered in a professionally edited and attractive package.
Copyright ©1996—2010
