Harrison Middleton University
Harrison Middleton University
1105 East Broadway Road
Tempe, Arizona 85282
35 East Wacker Drive, Suite 440
Chicago, IL 60601
1 (877) 248.6724
Harrison Middleton University is a great books, great ideas, great conversations, distance learning university that offers undergraduate and graduate education in the humanities with concentrations in imaginative literature, natural sciences, philosophy and religion, and social science.
Harrison Middleton University promotes student-faculty scholarship through research, discussion, and the development of collaborative publications.
Why is Harrison Middleton University right for you?
* Design your own program of study using the Great Books of the Western World.
* Open Enrollment: You decide when to begin your studies.
* Flexible, Self-Paced Study: Continue your education and maintain a healthy and satisfying balance of work, family and community.
* Choices: You may choose from a variety of undergraduate and graduate degree programs.
* Mentor: You will be assigned a mentor - guiding you from entry to graduation.
© 2006 Harrison Middleton University
