Diverse: Issues In Higher Education
Diverse: Issues In Higher Education
Cox, Matthews, and Associates, Inc.
10520 Warwick Ave, Suite B-8
Fairfax, VA 22030
About Diverse
Diverse: Issues In Higher Education stands alone as the only source of critical news, information and insightful commentary on the full range of issues concerning diversity in American higher education. Diverse began writing about diversity in higher education long before diversity and multiculturalism became a “hot button†issue. Today, our mission remains as true as it was 25 years ago: to provide information that is honest, thorough and balanced. We seek, through traditional and nontraditional mediums, to be change agents and generate public policies that resolve inequities that still exist today. In fulfilling our mission, we believe we are helping to build the educational, cultural, social and economic structures necessary to allow every individual to reach his or her full potential, and thus contribute to the greater good of their community and the nation at-large.
With over two decades of experience covering education, Diverse is the only newsmagazine focusing on matters of access and opportunity for all in higher education. Its unparalleled coverage of such bread and butter issues as tenure, salary, faculty, student body, recruitment, retention and access and equity earned Diverse the 2002 Folio Award for best education publication in America. And as our communities have grown more diverse, so too has our editorial focus. Launched in 1984 as Black Issues In Higher Education, the magazine focused on the role and issues of African Americans in higher education. To accurately reflect the changing demographics, in 2005 we renamed the magazine Diverse: Issues In Higher Education, and expanded our coverage to address these bread and butter issues with the needs of African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanics and Native Americans in higher education in mind.
Our companion website translates our flagship brand, Diverse, into a digital medium so that advertisers can extend their print messages online and engage and interact with the Diverse audience. Through our signature conference, the John Hope Franklin Symposium & Gala, sponsors can interface with scholars, researchers, faculty, administrators and business leaders from across the country at this notable event.
Copyright 2010 © Diverse: Issues In Higher Education, a CMA publication.
