39 S. LaSalle, Suite 420
Chicago, IL 60603
About Us is a publication of Boston Hannah and is written by college students and recent graduates, providing the most up-to-date and relevant information concerning college students and young people. The site gathers daily news from its bank of writers and keeps its readers informed on everything from the political atmosphere to International and sport news. Boston Hannah and also caters to those looking for entertainment as we provide the most intriguing odd stories from around the world as well as celebrity news. As a niche that is not offered by most college publications, Boston Hannah brings students money and career articles that are most pertinent to their daily lives. Boston Hannah International promotes this brand as one of its premier publications for college students.
Boston Hannah publishes the online version of College News and Boston Hannah hopes that it will compliment the print magazine by covering both breaking news and current events through regular updates, featuring editorial on the latest trends and news. In addition, the Web site features blogs and contests, as well as giving viewers the chance to voice their opinions on political issues as well as any story on the site. The goal of Boston Hannah is to make a site that is not only read online but where interaction and input is the main driver. Companies and readers are encouraged to contact us if you are interested in appearing on the site or would like to contact Boston Hannah International.
The Boston Hannah International organization is the leading custom publishing group in the UK and the US, with offices in London and Chicago, specializing in providing the highest quality publication for a range of international blue chip clients. Publications of Boston Hannah range from glamour, lifestyle, and culture magazines to B2B and sports publications, health and wellbeing annuals, as well as specially commissioned commemorative and anniversary publications.
Boston Hannah is also a full service company. All processes including design, sales, and editorial take place in-house. We and our clients have total control over every stage of the publication and can modify the processes as needed. This is the only way that Boston Hannah can achieve the high standards of quality for which we are known.
Boston Hannah Chicago is now featuring its own blog. Boston Hannah Chicago will be blogging about its different magazines and Web sites and the exciting changes that we’re implementing all the time. If you have any suggestions on how Boston Hannah Chicago can improve its blog or its Web sites, please let us know. Boston Hannah Chicago is always eager to hear from its readers.
Other publications from Boston Hannah include: has quickly established itself as one of the leading information sites relating to EU business news and developments. Boston Hannah designed the site to focus on strategic commercial management decisions, and it is therefore constantly updated with news items and feature articles on topical issues.
Enterprise Management Quarterly (EMQ) is written exclusively for Executive Management and provides solutions for intricate IT issues. The niche of this Boston Hannah site is that it is written mostly by IT Executives and opens a forum of communication between executives, IT professionals, and business solution planners on a functional rather than on a purely theoretical level.
The Arts & Collections International Web site and quarterly publication are published by Boston Hannah International. It is a way to bring together the most prominent collections of art, as well as other valued collections.
© 2008-2010 Boston Hannah Chicago. All rights reserved.
