Choosing a Major in College
Choosing a Major in College
An Important decision for every college student
Dalia Wheatt-Colón
Choosing a major in college is one of the most important decisions a student makes, but you needn't lose sleep over it. Begin by asking yourself some key questions, including:
* Which high school subjects do I enjoy?
* What types of assignments interest me?
* What is difficult for others but comes easily to me?
Visit a Career Counselor for Help in Choosing a College Major
Take advantage of your college's career center. Career counselors can suggest books and self-assessment tools to help you with choosing a college major. They'll also put you in touch with a faculty member or student leader who can answer your questions about a particular department. Through them, you can get off-the-record information such as which curriculums require the most reading and which professors are the most fun. When it comes time for crafting a résumé, career counselors can also help you present your college major as an asset for your targeted career field.
In addition, your career center or academic department of interest should have a list of alumni who've gone through the department and what they're doing today. Can you see yourself in their shoes one day? If so, get connected with your college's alumni mentoring program.
Test-Drive Before Choosing a Major in College
Why not sit in on a few classes? Or better yet, consider landing an internship, even if you have to work for free. It's an opportunity to explore a field without a long-term commitment.
Keep Your Options Open
If you're still undecided or think you might change your major, it's best to enroll in a college with a variety of solid programs. That way, you won't have to change universities if you decide to switch college majors.
Acceptance into certain programs can be competitive. If you're interested in, say, journalism, and know that enrollment is limited, pick journalism as your college major. Should you change your mind, it'll be easier to transfer out of journalism than to transfer in.
That said, keep in mind that there are multiple avenues to most careers. Consider your long-term goals, but when choosing a major in college, also make sure that'll get you through the next four years. If you'll be going on to graduate school, you can always take post-baccalaureate classes in order to meet the admission requirements. For example, medical schools accept candidates from any major. Ultimately, employers are more concerned with your skill set than with the title of your degree.
For more help in choosing a college major, visit these Web sites: surveys your grades and personal preferences, and then generates a list of college majors you may want to consider. Click on a major for a description of what you can do with it, and for links to more info, relevant university departments, and books on the subject.
Quintessential Careers shows you how the Internet, a powerful college major finder, can assist you in your search.
The CollegeView Student Lounge contains blogs and podcasts that will help guide you through the process of picking a college major.
Dalia Wheatt-Colón is a staff writer for the St. Petersburg Times. Visit her Web site at
