Abraham Lincoln University Online Law School
Abraham Lincoln University Online Law School
3530 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 1430
Los Angeles, CA 90010, U.S.A.
Telephone: (213) 252-5100 Fax: (213) 252-5113
Back in 1996, a man had a dream. It had never been tried before. Why not start a law school. But a unique one. One for those men and women, in all walks of life, from all financial levels and backgrounds, of all ages and experiences, who had wished they could go to law school. People who, for a variety of reasons, including their work hours, their family commitments, their place of residence, their health or age, had never thought they could actually make their dreams of becoming a lawyer come true.
That man with a dream made his dream come true by starting California's first Online law school. A school where people could complete their entire law school education Online, never needing to attend a single class in person. A school where the flexibility of the Internet allowed students to take their classes when they want and where they want, from the convenience of their own home, their office, or even from a hotel room while traveling on the road.
That school is Abraham Lincoln University School of Law. Abraham Lincoln University provides a legal education for those desiring to take their complete program Online, but it does not stop there. For those students in the Greater Los Angeles Area, Abraham Lincoln University also provides, if the student wishes, and at no extra charge, live classroom studio participation. Professors, who are experienced in both the Online and the in-class environments, make the courses both interesting and productive.
Interaction in the classroom, where questions are answered and topics are explained, is available week nights, Wednesday night, and Saturday morning or afternoon. This is in addition to our Online program always available on the Internet.
Students and faculty also communicate weekly through Live Chat Rooms, allowing a free - flowing interchange and discussion. Moreover, students may call or email their professors whenever they have questions relating to the course, its materials, or their homework.
Students also can set up their own Live Chat Rooms to serve as small study groups. This is something old style law schools never thought of, but Abraham Lincoln University School of Law has pioneered. As new technology develops, you can be sure that Abraham Lincoln University School of Law will always be at the cutting edge. Since 1999, 73 out of 225 graduates, who sat for the California Bar Examination, have passed the examination. If your dream is to become a lawyer, you can make it happen with us!
The creative man we have been talking about here is California attorney and CPA, Hyung J. Park. Mr. Park was born in South Korea. He had to struggle to gain a basic education in his native Korea, working to pay for every class he could take.
When he emigrated to America, Mr. Park became a success story for our system of freedom and liberty. Arriving in America with nothing and having worked to receive his higher education here, he wanted to give others the same opportunity he had experienced. Today Mr. Park wants to pay back the descendents of those who built this great country called America. That is how Abraham Lincoln University School of Law came to exist and grow.
President Park, the Abraham Lincoln University Administration, Faculty and Staff, appreciate our students. We go out of our way to make each and every student feel comfortable and at home among friends.
From the writing classes, the study skills workshops, the review classes and the bar preparation classes, all included in our program, to the ability to communicate with your professors when a question arises, we promise that we will all go the extra mile to make your time as a student at Abraham Lincoln University School of Law a good one. Join us and become part of an outstanding team of students at Abraham Lincoln University.
Now you can make your dream become reality. Has becoming a lawyer, or even just learning the law, been on your mind since you were a child Even if law school only recently became your dream, now is your opportunity to make it a reality!
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