AGB Association of Governing Boards
AGB Association of Governing Boards
1133 20th Street N.W., Suite 300
Washington, DC 20036
Tel 202.296.8400 | Toll-Free 800.356.6317 | Fax 202.223.7053 | © 2010
About AGB
The Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges (AGB) is the only national association that serves the interests and needs of academic governing boards, boards of institutionally related foundations, and campus CEOs and other senior-level campus administrators on issues related to higher education governance and leadership. Its mission is to strengthen and protect this country's unique form of institutional governance through its research, services, and advocacy. AGB is committed to citizen trusteeship of American higher education.
Our Members
AGB serves more than 34,000 individuals, including:
* trustees and regents
* campus and public college and university foundation CEOs
* board professional staff members
* senior-level administrators (vice presidents for finance, development, student services, academic affairs; enrollment management and institutional research professionals; and chief legal counsel)
AGB has more than 1,200 member institutions--colleges and universities of all types (independent and public, four-year and two-year, and general and specialized) plus public college and university foundation boards.
Our Purpose
AGB advances the practice of citizen trusteeship and helps ensure the quality and success of our nation's colleges and universities. To do so, AGB delivers programs and services that
* strengthen partnerships between presidents and governing boards
* define and clarify the responsibilities of governing board members
* provide guidance to trustees, board leaders, and campus leaders in their governance-related roles
* encourage a level of professionalism for trusteeship, a voluntary function
* monitor issues that affect higher education and governance and provide guidance for boards and campus leaders
* foster cooperation among all education stakeholders
AGB, founded in 1921, is located in Washington, D.C.
© 2010
