Moving to College - Moving Tips
Moving to College - Moving Tips
Penske Truck Rentals

Is College Your Next Big Move?
Penske makes the road to dorm life—and back—easy.

Plan Your College Move

Already picturing yourself settled on campus—or heading home for summer? We'll help you get there with some extra packing and moving tips to make the move hassle-free.

* Select and reserve a truck. Most colleges begin and end their semesters at around the same time, so reserve your truck early to ensure availability. Use our Truck Wizard to calculate your truck size.
* Get all the packing supplies you'll need, including boxes, labels, bubble wrap, tape and more. Pick up or order your supplies in advance to avoid a last-minute packing frenzy. Order your moving supplies now.
* Find fellow students to share costs and take turns with the driving on long trips. Helping each other will also speed up the loading and unloading process.

Packing for College

* Pack stereo equipment, TVs and computers in original cartons, and use packing paper or bubble wrap.
* Reinforce the bottom of all boxes with extra tape to prevent them from giving out.

Load Your Truck

* Pick up your rental truck the day or evening before you move to save time on moving day.
* Put the heaviest items on the truck first. If there are stairs at your destination, unload enough items to allow you to move the heaviest items first, before you get tired.
* Be sure to bend your knees and lift with your legs, not your back. Don't overload yourself when you load or unload the truck.
* Need help loading or unloading? Contact our partner, Simple Moving Labor.

Free Support and Information From Penske

* Penske's 24/7 Roadside Assistance is available round the clock. Keep our contact information handy throughout the move. Our toll-free number is 800-526-0798.
* Do-it-yourself movers can pick up a free moving guide at any Penske Truck Rental location or contact us at 888-996-5415.

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